Professional Page V3.0, (C) 1991 Gold Disk Inc. black 10% Flesh Grey 7%.1 Grey 33%.1 \DPPs<115>SW<0>SC<0>Tb}> \DPPs<100>SW<0>SC<0>Tb}> \DPSW<0>SC<0>Tb}> \DPSW<0>SC<0>Tb}> \DS\fs<12.000>\jl\lr<120>\ls<0.000>\t<0>\c}> b'PBOX fp_graphic jEPDGR Black Black thPDGR Black Black }1PDGR Black Grey 60% Black }PDGR Black Green Black fp_bodycopy \dp\n\ff<(CG)Times>\fs<12.000>\K\lr<118>\ls<0.000>\t<0>\c\dsAt last. At long last, there is a desktop publishing program which takes advantage of the Amiga's capabilities. Professional Page puts a full range of design and typographical tools in any Amiga user's hands, and then goes a giant step beyond other desktop publishing programs, by allowing you to store color information which can be turned into mechanical or four color separations. What does this mean for the average Amiga user, though? It all depends on what you want to do with your Amiga. If you are using your Amiga for educational purposes, Professional Page allows you to create professional quality essays, teaching aids, and resumes. If you are specifically involved with teaching or studying journalism, languages, the graphic arts or fine art, Professional Page will allow you to practice every stage of the writing, editing, illustrating, design, and pre-press production process on one inexpensive, simple to use computer. Professional Page allows you to integrate sophisticated processes (such as color separation, and digitally screened halftones) which only a few years ago would have required expensive equipment beyond the reach of most schools. Professional Page is the perfect tool for teaching typography and book and magazine design, creating portfolio examples, and producing newsletters, posters, year books, and student and staff magazines and newspapers. If you are involved in the commercial graphic arts, in advertising or design or in publishing, Professional Page is an excellent design and production program for brochures, ads, comps, and general design work demanding very flexible layout tools and extensive graphics and color separations. If you are already using the Amiga for business in other areas where it has traditionally been well supplied with excellent software, (desktop video, for example), Professional Page allows you to use your Amiga for yet another productive application, so that you no longer need to go to outside services or other computers to produce typeset scripts, business proposals, or technical documentation. In fact, one of the most promising uses for Professional Page is as the basis for an advertising agency or production company to provide a sophisticated multi-media package to clients. With Professional Page and other Amiga graphic software and peripherals, even a small design firm or in-house communications department can use the Amiga to create typeset documents, video and slides, all on the same workstation. If you are an Amiga product developer, or a member of an Amiga user group, Professional Page is the most natural and productive system for creating your Amiga publications, manuals, flyers, correspondence and other documents. \lr<124> Professional Page is the most natural and productive system for creating your Amiga publications, manuals, flyers, correspondence and other documents.If you own an instant printing or photocopying shop, or a typesetting shop or output service bureau, you may find it lucrative to have an Amiga and Professional Page in your shop to attract Amiga users wanting to rent time on a Professional Page/Amiga terminal, or to buy output time from your laser printer or PostScript compatible Linotronic typesetting machine. For general Amiga users, Professional Page may be the perfect program to base a new business on, or to make better use of your Amiga as a business system. \lr<118>For many people who haven't bought an Amiga up to now, because of the lack of good desktop publishing software, Professional Page is a compelling reason to give the Amiga a fresh look. \B\I\fs<24.000>Features: \i\fs<13.000>Powerful page layout capabilities:\b \fs<9.000>Pages up to 17"x17". Supports template pages, 5 levels of \dP\lr<124>magnification and group operations. Automatic text flow between boxes, columns and pages. Ability to flow text around irregular shaped graphics. \B\fs<13.000>Built-in WYSIWYG word processor:\b \fs<9.000>User definable tabs, style tagging. Block operations include cut, paste and copy. Find and replace with optional query. \B\fs<13.000>Precision typesetting:\b \fs<9.000>Complete control over font typeface, styles, and size at all times. Automatic and manual kerning. Algorithmic and discretionary hyphenation. Tracking, line spacing and baseline shifts. \B\fs<13.000>Color:\b \fs<9.000>Text and structured graphics may have user specified colors. All bitmap colors are maintained. Pages may be separated into 3 or 4 color printing plates, or output as mechanical plates, ready for offset printing. \B\fs<13.000>Bitmap graphics support:\b \fs<9.000>IFF pictures supported to 16.7 million colors. Images may be sized and cropped. Pictures are displayed on-screen in shades of gray. Halftone images are printed with user definable screen density and angle. \B\fs<13.000>Structured graphics support:\b \fs<9.000>Full set of drawing tools. A variety of line weights, patterns and colors. A variety of fill patterns and colors. CAD drawing can be imported from Aegis Draw. Printed at full resolution on output device. \B\fs<13.000>Flexible output options:\b \fs<9.000>Pages may be rotated, sized, moved, reflected, and combined with other document pages on the output page. Thumbnail and draft printing. Supports all Preferences and PostScript printers and typesetters. Professional Page documents will output to the highest resolution of the output device, ensuring professional results every time. fp_Headline t\dp\n\ff<(CG)Times>\fs<24.000>\lr<150>\ls<0.000>\t<0>\c\dsLeft Justified Text Explaining info in the ad\. fp_info 'PBOX fp_Address